1. DSLR – “Digital single lens reflex.”
  2. There’s a mirror in the cameras that allow you to preview through the viewfinder.
  3. The major way that DSLRs are different is the “point and shoot.”  (Detachable lenses.)
  4. Prime lenses only have one focal length.
  5. Zoom lenses are variable focal lengths.
  6. Understand how exposure is determined
  7. ISO – International Organization for Standards.
  8. High ISO means more sensitive to light.
  9. Lower ISO means Less light to get the right exposure.
  10. The more light you have the lower ISO
  11. The less light available the higher the ISO.
  12. But recommended the lowest ISO you can to avoid grain/noise.
  13. Shutter speed is how long the shutter lens is open.
  14. The shutter in a camera is half a circle. (180 degrees.)
  15. your shutter speed should be double your frame rate.
  16. shutter speed: 1/60 of a second
  17. Camera shake: occurs when a shutter speed is slower than {focal length} of a second.
  18.  Aperture is also known as the f-stop.
  19. Fraction: local length divided by lens diameter.
  20. Smaller number actually represents a larger opening.
  21. “Fast” lens has the maximum aperture.
  22. Changing the “correct” white balance setting tells the camera how to make your whites and greys neutral.
  23. CA – Creative Auto. camera does almost everything for you.
  24. M (Manual); A-Dep (Automatic depth of field.)
  25. Av (Aperture priority); Tv (shutter speed priority); P (program)

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