Some ways to get inspired for photography is:

  1. Go to the movies. You can get an idea of the movies theme.
  2. Joining a photo walk. You get to hang out with other people, and you get out of the house.
  3. You can get ideas off of other people.
  4. Many old-time albums covers have many ideas to take pictures of.
  5.  Art magazines are a good idea to get inspired
  6. Try photography challenges, for example A photo – a – day challenge.
  7. Shoot a holiday theme.
  8. Aways look around you to see if you can photograph anything
  9. Find a pretty model to photograph
  10. Use inspirational coupons
  11. Photograph your family.
  12. Shoot your favorite food
  13. Photograph pictures on the dark
  14. Tell a story in 5 pictures
  15. Self portraits
  16. shoot an ordinary item, but make it unique
  17. Go to an art show
  18. Listen to your favorite music
  19. Look at other pictures to get an idea
  20. Find a positive pressure.

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