Portrait Read and Write

  1. You can cut off a part of the models head, as long as it continues to tell a story.
  2. A good portrait is when a person tells a story.
  3. Every image has two people behind it. The photographer and the viewer.
  4. The background is a significant element.
  5.  the most complex decisions in photography to identify is visual storytelling.
  6. To focus on the face put less background in the picture.
  7. Compare the very low key, dim light with negative exposure compensation.
  8. To evoke the story you usually go with the dark shade.
  9. When taking portraits find the dominant factor.
  10. Use empty spaces to the place to enhance the sense of loneliness.
  11. A good composition is a combination of the scene on the ground and the scene in your head.
  12. Use comparison between the subject/person and their surroundings.
  13. Take your time, Its ok it’s all worth it to get a good picture.
  14. Make one picture’s background more dominant then another and compare the two.
  15. When you take a picture you might not feel the same emotion as the viewer.

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